Monday, September 30, 2013

A day at the farm!

When you live in the city, sometimes you just need to commune with nature on a farm. My favorite kind of a farm is a sheep farm, specifically Rising Meadow Farm in Liberty, North Carolina. Once a month I go to sit and spin and knit and eat dessert with friends at the farm. On clear nights we stop at the end of the driveway and have a little star gazing time. There is so much less light there than in the city that we can see lots of stars.

But this visit to the farm was all about Farm Fest. It is a once-a-year event with animals, crafts and food that is a real treat.

The alpacas were very friendly and really soft. 

There was music under the big tent, which we enjoyed while eating a lamb burger with spinach and feta cheese---yummy.

While waiting in line for the lamb burgers we passed the time with a dish of ice cream from Homeland Creamery. Dessert first is a good idea, don't you think?

These angora goats have built in back scratchers, you wouldn't believe how they can bend around to scratch their backs with those horns, I envy them. They produce mohair and I love to combine it with the sheep's wool to spin.

These lambs were born last spring. The dark one in the middle is a Navarro-Churro. His fleece is great for rugs. The one with the dark face on the right is a Corriedale. Maybe next shearing day (Feb. 2014) I can try to buy his fleece.

Farm Fest occurs each year in the fall at Rising Meadow Farm. In February they shear the sheep. Watch their website for information.

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